shift in focus

美 [ʃɪft ɪn ˈfoʊkəs]英 [ʃɪft ɪn ˈfəʊkəs]
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shift in focusshift in focus
  1. This requires a slight shift in focus when isolating solutions within WebSphere DataPower .


  2. With economic development , researchers gradually shift in focus to the study of risk management in the enterprise application .


  3. The term Web 2.0 describes the shift in focus from static and singular media to dynamic , interactive community-oriented social media .


  4. One reason for the recent rally in bank stocks was a shift in focus from balance sheets towards the sector 's renewed earnings power .


  5. The shift in focus comes after HSBC reported strong growth in its core Asian markets , while its European operations suffered a sharp fall in profits .


  6. With a full week under your belt you 're getting a feel for the shift in focus , on both fronts , since the month began and the confidence and optimism this is creating .


  7. This shift in focus from research targeted at highly rated journals that few scientists and fewer management practitioners read , and toward student teaching may create significant changes in the way that faculty are developed and rewarded .


  8. Recent advances in Graphics technology have produced a shift in focus for real time rendering application , which includes Interactive 3D graphics modeling programs , virtual reality and 3D simulation system , computer animation , games and so on .


  9. W hile efforts to control costs will affect the revenues of defence companies in the coming years , it is Mr Gates ' shift in focus towards irregular warfare that will have the greater impact .


  10. Underscoring this shift in focus , Uber also made its largest ever acquisition in July , when it bought Otto , a driverless truck start-up founded by several key members of Alphabet 's driverless programme .


  11. Some flexibility with respect to austerity may actually be healthy for Europe & certain countries , like Spain , have economic woes driven more by housing prices than national debt , and could desperately used a shift in focus toward growth .


  12. Since 1990s , there has been a noticeable shift in focus from the identification , description and classification during 1980s to the instruction of language learning strategies with O'Malley & Chamot ( 1990 ) , Oxford ( 1990 ) and Wendon ( 1991 ) being the representatives .


  13. It is , to be sure , one thing to put an emphasis on streamlining and refreshing GM 's vehicle lineup and quite another to succeed at it . But the shift in focus from merely surviving to making better cars more efficiently may convince more investors to lean into GM 's stock .


  14. A Shift in the Focus of Design Education


  15. The growing confidence of Chinese carmakers had led to one unexpected shift in the focus of the Shanghai show , analysts said .


  16. Reinvestment by multinational oil companies in the up-steam business and a shift in their focus toward developing new energy in China ;


  17. The goal of this thesis is to advocate for a shift in the focus of sociological research away from groups to the individual .


  18. Even without his well-known affection for China Mr Rudd once lived there and is fluent in Mandarin he could hardly avoid the appearance of a shift in diplomatic focus from Washington to Beijing .


  19. The expansion of Marxism to include both lenin 's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries .


  20. The prediction reflects a shift in the focus of global food production , as well as the broader trend seen in other high-tech sectors such as aerospace , where emerging market companies are moving up the value chain .


  21. The China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) has not formally announced a change in its stance , but official media have reported a series of tweaks in recent days and analysts say they have detected a shift in its focus .


  22. Changes in barometric pressure may lead to shift of spectral lines in focus plane for medium quartz direct-reading spectrometer .


  23. Climate-change and crop experts have called for a paradigm shift in agricultural research to focus on making plants more resilient to global warming rather than on increasing yields .
